Amy Stuparyk's Yoga Journey


Introducing Amy Stuparyk.

Amy teaches Hot Flow, Core, and Hatha classes at Yogalife. You may have experience one of her shaking your assana classes in one of her classes.


Amy has been with Yogalife since the very beginning. She was one of the first students we had walking through our doors. She already had a strong and flexible practice as she had a dancing background. She was looking for an alternative to her dance and decided to try hot yoga initially for the physical practice. It has become so much more than the physical practice for her now.


And this past Sunday, she embarked on a 17 hour flight to the land of OZ to adventure, explore & experience the world down under. And with great excitement for her  as well as sadness, she does not have a confirmed return date. So we all wish her the best adventures and safest ones too. We're going to miss her here at the studio.


“To me, yoga means so many different things but I can sum it all up with a single word, oneness. Oneness with yourself, your breath, your movement and the world around you.Creating peace, love and tranquility around. Om Mani Padme Hum”




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