Embrace the Spirit from Within: Yogalife's Fall Retreat 2014


***We have had ONE LAST SPOT open up for a Teepee on this upcoming retreat! Please let us know if you'd like to fill it—who knows, it could completely alter the course of your life... ;) Next week, Sean Forchuk, Keia Dreger, and an eager group of Yogalifers will be making their way west to Golden, B.C. for this year's fall retreat. As we've been referencing on the blog this month, fall is such an awesome time to slow down, stay still, and re-connect with your roots—and what better opportunity to do so than amongst the great tall trees and majestic mountains on our own soil?! The five glorious days of this retreat will be spent immersed in yogic philosophy, asana practice, hiking, raw-chocolate-making... even fire walking! Plus Sean and Keia promise to entertain with their antics—if you haven't gotten to know these two already in their classes, this video has everything you need to know...

Embrace the Spirit from Within will run this September 24th-28th. Retreat-goers, we wish you safe travels, and a balanced mix of craziness and calm!


Getting Grounded in California


Foundation Friday: Malasana