
“My journey in yoga started 20+ years ago discovering the benefits of Hatha yoga through strengthening my joints, improving flexibility, learning to breathe and enjoying a calming practice within my busy life! As a master’s cyclist, I found the yoga practice enhanced my performance and helped prevent the physical stress and strain of training and racing on the bike!

I felt that I should share these benefits with others and became a certified Hatha Yoga teacher in 2006 with the YAA (Yoga Association of Alberta). In 2011, I was certified to teach Yin Yoga, a wonderful practice. I enjoy working with new students to yoga and challenging intermediate students in Hatha and Vinyasa flows, as well as strong practices in warm flow, Hot Yin and hot flow classes!

Yoga is a wonderful way to develop flexibility, lower stress, build endurance and enjoy some personal time while learning to breathe, relax and create a healthy body and mind. Hatha yoga is the foundation for all yoga styles and is a practice that helps prevent and recover from injuries. It complements almost all physical and sport activities. Movement creates health!

I have over 3000 teaching hours and lead fun and challenging classes. I incorporate some anatomy in relation to yoga postures, breathing techniques and add a measure of yoga philosophy.

I hope you will join me in a class!”

Neil Haggard,
Certified Hatha Yoga teacher (YAA, since 2006)
Certified Yin Yoga teacher (Bernie Clark, 2011)
Senior teacher (YAA, 2018)
Certified Yoga Therapeutics (Judith Lasater, 2010)